Warriors new ARES Kydex Belt holster
Warriors new ARES Kydex Belt holster
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
Beloeil QC J3G 6S8
Warriors new ARES Kydex Belt holster is a high quality low profile holster, engineered and developed using the highest quality materials.
The ARES has been designed to hold both versions of the Surefire X300 and X400 weapon lights.
Built specifically to hold both Glock 17 and 19 models, the Ares holster has adjustable tension, designed to accommodate the operator’s own preference on retention and draw strength.
Designed to be used with a high quality belt (up to 45mm)
e.g the Warrior Cobra or Riggers belt.