OLAES® Hemostatic Bandage
OLAES® Hemostatic Bandage
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
Beloeil QC J3G 6S8
Parts of the Bandage:
1) Hemostatic Gauze
- Stocked with 3"x12' of ChitoGauze® PRO hemostatic gauze, ideal for a variety of applications and wound surfaces.
2) True Pressure Cup
- Generates focused pressure on the wound site to assist occluding damaged vessels. It can also serve as a rigid eye shield for ocular injuries per CoTCCC guidelines.
3) Wound Pad
- Covers the injury site to assist with sustained bleeding control and keep the wound clear of debris. Its non-adherent compartment keeps gauze tucked neatly inside for rapid access during application.
4)Hook and Loop Control Strips
- Built-in Hook and Loop Control Strips stationed along the bandage's elastic wrap prevent accidental unrolling during application.
5) Elastic Wrap
- Secures the gauze and wound pad to the injury site and assists in maintaining consistently applied pressure.
6) Securing Clip
- Locks the bandage into place to free up the user's hands to treat other injuries or casualties.
7) Easy-Tear Points
- Intuitive, rapid access to the sterile bandage is achieved through multiple tear points indicated by red arrows at each package corner.