Level III+ 6 x 6 Side Hard Plate TATOU-ARMOR
Level III+ 6 x 6 Side Hard Plate TATOU-ARMOR
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
Beloeil QC J3G 6S8
TATOU-ARMOR brings a Steel Body Armor that provides great protection that can stop multiple projectile hits. We have been working with different levels of abrasion resistant (AR) ballistic steel for years and have not found a better product than our AR550 Steel Body Armor Plates. This armor is rated at a level III+ as it can defeat special threats like M855 rounds.
All of our steel plates come in one ergonomic curve option. We have worked with LE and first responders to design a curve that you can be comfortable wearing. We provide this at no additional cost. What is unique about the way that we bend our steel is important too. We have designed a press that creates a multi curve bend in ONE step. Why is this important? When you do multiple bends to achieve a multi curve, it puts extra strain on the plate which can weaken it. We have replicated the same curves that you have seen in multi curve ceramic armor for years.

