- Diameter: 110 mm
- Height: 85 mm
- Weight: 335 g ±5%
- Storage time: 20 years (factory sealed)
- Breathing Resistance in Pa: @ flow rate 30l/min. EN 1) NBC-77 SOF 260 <140@ flow rate 95l/min. EN 1) NBC-77 SOF 980 <600
The filter canister in connection with a suitable respirator or PAPR provides protection against solid and liquid particles, pepper spray (OC), smoke-producing substances, radioactive particles, bacteria and rickettsia, fungi, toxins, viruses, riot control agents (lachrymators, sternutators, vomiting agents), blister agents (vesicants), choking agents, blood agents, nerve agents, incapacitants, herbicides, pesticides, and TIC, such as bromoacetone, CS, CR, CN, CNC, CNS, CA substances, organic compounds of arsenic – diphenyldichlorarsine – CLARK I (DA), diphenylcyanoarsine – CLARK II (DC), adamsite (DM), diphenyldichlorarsine (DA), ethyldichlorarsine (ED), methyldichlorarsine (MD), mustard gas (H), sulphur mustard gas (HD), T-mustard gas, Q-mustard gas, nitrogen mustard gases (HN1, HN2, HN3), lewisite (L), mixed mustard gas (H-L), phosgene oxime (CX), phosgene (CG), diphosgene(DP), chloropicrin (PS), hydrogen cyanide (AC), cyanogen chloride (CK), arsine (SA), G-agents: sarin (GB), cyclosarin (GF), soman (GD), tabun (GA), IVA (GV), V-agents: VX, VR, VE, VG (amiton), VM and toxic industrial chemicals such as: fumes of organic or inorganic acids, hydroxides, organic solvents with a boiling point above 65° C, ammonia, amines, inorganic and acid gases, agricultural chemical combustion gases, other toxic substances, e.g. benzene, toluene, vinyl chloride, fluorine, hydrogen fluoride, sulphur oxides, chloroacetic acid, aldehydes, mixtures of inorganic acids, and organic substances, mercury vapors, radioactive iodine, organic compounds of iodine (Iodomethane, 129, 131), radioactive particles, etc.