Fair D Essential Tactical Medical Kit
Fair D Essential Tactical Medical Kit
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
1651 Chemin de l'Industrie
Beloeil QC J3G 6S8
1x The OLAES® Modular Bandage
1x PVC Nasopharyngeal airway
2x Jelly lub 0.1 oz pro avantage
1x Asherman chest seal for open chest injurier 5.5-inch diameter 1 airway valve
1x pair of gloves nytrile
1x gauze 10cmx 3.7 m
1x emergency blanket Packaged: H 3 in. x W 2.5 in. Blanket: L 84 in. x W 52 in. Weight: 1.7 oz